Source code for adb.adb_protocol

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""ADB protocol implementation.

Implements the ADB protocol as seen in android's adb/adbd binaries, but only the
host side.

.. rubric:: Contents

* :class:`_AdbConnection`

    * :meth:`_AdbConnection._Send`
    * :meth:`_AdbConnection.Close`
    * :meth:`_AdbConnection.Okay`
    * :meth:`_AdbConnection.ReadUntil`
    * :meth:`_AdbConnection.ReadUntilClose`
    * :meth:`_AdbConnection.Write`

* :class:`AdbMessage`

    * :meth:`AdbMessage.CalculateChecksum`
    * :meth:`AdbMessage.checksum`
    * :meth:`AdbMessage.Command`
    * :meth:`AdbMessage.Connect`
    * :meth:`AdbMessage.InteractiveShellCommand`
    * :meth:`AdbMessage.Open`
    * :meth:`AdbMessage.Pack`
    * :meth:`AdbMessage.Read`
    * :meth:`AdbMessage.Send`
    * :meth:`AdbMessage.StreamingCommand`
    * :meth:`AdbMessage.Unpack`

* :class:`AuthSigner`

    * :meth:`AuthSigner.GetPublicKey`
    * :meth:`AuthSigner.Sign`

* :func:`find_backspace_runs`
* :class:`InterleavedDataError`
* :class:`InvalidChecksumError`
* :class:`InvalidCommandError`
* :class:`InvalidResponseError`
* :func:`MakeWireIDs`


import struct
import time
from io import BytesIO
from adb import usb_exceptions

#: Maximum amount of data in an ADB packet.

#: ADB protocol version.
VERSION = 0x01000000

#: AUTH constants for arg0.

#: AUTH constants for arg0.

#: AUTH constants for arg0.

[docs]class InvalidCommandError(Exception): """Got an invalid command over USB. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.InvalidCommandError.CALL_GRAPH.svg .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.InvalidCommandError.__init__.CALLER_GRAPH.svg """ def __init__(self, message, response_header, response_data): if response_header == b'FAIL': message = 'Command failed, device said so. (%s)' % message super(InvalidCommandError, self).__init__(message, response_header, response_data)
[docs]class InvalidResponseError(Exception): """Got an invalid response to our command. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.InvalidResponseError.CALL_GRAPH.svg """
[docs]class InvalidChecksumError(Exception): """Checksum of data didn't match expected checksum. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.InvalidChecksumError.CALL_GRAPH.svg """
[docs]class InterleavedDataError(Exception): """We only support command sent serially. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.InterleavedDataError.CALL_GRAPH.svg """
[docs]def find_backspace_runs(stdout_bytes, start_pos): """TODO .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.find_backspace_runs.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- stdout_bytes : TODO TODO start_pos : TODO TODO Returns ------- int The index/position of the first backspace. num_backspaces : int TODO """ first_backspace_pos = stdout_bytes[start_pos:].find(b'\x08') if first_backspace_pos == -1: return -1, 0 end_backspace_pos = (start_pos + first_backspace_pos) + 1 while True: if chr(stdout_bytes[end_backspace_pos]) == '\b': end_backspace_pos += 1 else: break num_backspaces = end_backspace_pos - (start_pos + first_backspace_pos) return (start_pos + first_backspace_pos), num_backspaces
[docs]def MakeWireIDs(ids): """TODO Parameters ---------- ids : list[bytes] TODO Returns ------- id_to_wire : dict TODO wire_to_id : dict TODO """ id_to_wire = {cmd_id: sum(c << (i * 8) for i, c in enumerate(bytearray(cmd_id))) for cmd_id in ids} wire_to_id = {wire: cmd_id for cmd_id, wire in id_to_wire.items()} return id_to_wire, wire_to_id
[docs]class AuthSigner(object): """Signer for use with authenticated ADB, introduced in 4.4.x/KitKat."""
[docs] def Sign(self, data): """Signs given data using a private key. Parameters ---------- data : bytes The data to be signed Raises ------ NotImplementedError This method is implemented in subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def GetPublicKey(self): """Returns the public key in PEM format without headers or newlines. Raises ------ NotImplementedError This method is implemented in subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class _AdbConnection(object): """ADB Connection. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol._AdbConnection.__init__.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- usb : adb.common.UsbHandle TODO local_id : TODO TODO remote_id : TODO TODO timeout_ms : int Timeout in milliseconds for USB packets. Attributes ---------- local_id : TODO The ID for the sender remote_id : TODO The ID for the recipient timeout_ms : int Timeout in milliseconds for USB packets. usb : adb.common.UsbHandle TODO """ def __init__(self, usb, local_id, remote_id, timeout_ms): self.usb = usb self.local_id = local_id self.remote_id = remote_id self.timeout_ms = timeout_ms
[docs] def _Send(self, command, arg0, arg1, data=b''): """TODO .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol._AdbConnection._Send.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- command : TODO TODO arg0 : TODO TODO arg1 : TODO TODO data : bytes TODO """ message = AdbMessage(command, arg0, arg1, data) message.Send(self.usb, self.timeout_ms)
[docs] def Write(self, data): """Write a packet and expect an Ack. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol._AdbConnection.Write.CALL_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- data : TODO TODO Returns ------- int ``len(data)`` Raises ------ usb_exceptions.AdbCommandFailureException The command failed. adb.adb_protocol.InvalidCommandError Expected an OKAY in response to a WRITE, got something else. """ self._Send(b'WRTE', arg0=self.local_id, arg1=self.remote_id, data=data) # Expect an ack in response. cmd, okay_data = self.ReadUntil(b'OKAY') if cmd != b'OKAY': if cmd == b'FAIL': raise usb_exceptions.AdbCommandFailureException('Command failed.', okay_data) raise InvalidCommandError('Expected an OKAY in response to a WRITE, got {0} ({1})'.format(cmd, okay_data), cmd, okay_data) return len(data)
[docs] def Okay(self): """TODO .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol._AdbConnection.Okay.CALL_GRAPH.svg .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol._AdbConnection.Okay.CALLER_GRAPH.svg """ self._Send(b'OKAY', arg0=self.local_id, arg1=self.remote_id)
[docs] def ReadUntil(self, *expected_cmds): """Read a packet, Ack any write packets. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol._AdbConnection.ReadUntil.CALL_GRAPH.svg .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol._AdbConnection.ReadUntil.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- *expected_cmds : TODO TODO Returns ------- cmd : TODO TODO data : TODO TODO Raises ------ adb.adb_protocol.InterleavedDataError We don't support multiple streams... adb.adb_protocol.InvalidResponseError Incorrect remote id. """ cmd, remote_id, local_id, data = AdbMessage.Read(self.usb, expected_cmds, self.timeout_ms) if local_id not in (0, self.local_id): raise InterleavedDataError("We don't support multiple streams...") if remote_id not in (0, self.remote_id): raise InvalidResponseError('Incorrect remote id, expected {0} got {1}'.format(self.remote_id, remote_id)) # Ack write packets. if cmd == b'WRTE': self.Okay() return cmd, data
[docs] def ReadUntilClose(self): """Yield packets until a ``b'CLSE'`` packet is received. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol._AdbConnection.ReadUntilClose.CALL_GRAPH.svg Yields ------ data : TODO TODO """ while True: cmd, data = self.ReadUntil(b'CLSE', b'WRTE') if cmd == b'CLSE': self._Send(b'CLSE', arg0=self.local_id, arg1=self.remote_id) break if cmd != b'WRTE': if cmd == b'FAIL': raise usb_exceptions.AdbCommandFailureException('Command failed.', data) raise InvalidCommandError('Expected a WRITE or a CLOSE, got {0} ({1})'.format(cmd, data), cmd, data) yield data
[docs] def Close(self): """TODO .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol._AdbConnection.Close.CALL_GRAPH.svg .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol._AdbConnection.Close.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Raises ------ usb_exceptions.AdbCommandFailureException Command failed. adb.adb_protocol.InvalidCommandError Expected a ``CLSE`` response but received something else. """ self._Send(b'CLSE', arg0=self.local_id, arg1=self.remote_id) cmd, data = self.ReadUntil(b'CLSE') if cmd != b'CLSE': if cmd == b'FAIL': raise usb_exceptions.AdbCommandFailureException('Command failed.', data) raise InvalidCommandError('Expected a CLSE response, got {0} ({1})'.format(cmd, data), cmd, data)
[docs]class AdbMessage(object): """ADB Protocol and message class. .. rubric:: local_id/remote_id Turns out the documentation is host/device ambidextrous, so ``local_id`` is the id for 'the sender' and ``remote_id`` is for 'the recipient'. So since we're only on the host, we'll re-document with host_id and device_id: :: OPEN(host_id, 0, 'shell:XXX') READY/OKAY(device_id, host_id, '') WRITE(0, host_id, 'data') CLOSE(device_id, host_id, '') .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.__init__.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- command : bytes, None One of: ``[b'SYNC', b'CNXN', b'AUTH', b'OPEN', b'OKAY', b'CLSE', b'WRTE']`` arg0 : TODO, None TODO arg1 : TODO, None TODO data : bytes TODO Attributes ---------- command : int The value in :const:`AdbMessage.commands` that corresponds to the ``command`` parameter commands : dict A dictionary with keys ``[b'SYNC', b'CNXN', b'AUTH', b'OPEN', b'OKAY', b'CLSE', b'WRTE']``. connections : int TODO constants : dict A dictionary with values ``[b'SYNC', b'CNXN', b'AUTH', b'OPEN', b'OKAY', b'CLSE', b'WRTE']``. format : bytes The format for unpacking the ADB message. ids : list[bytes] ``[b'SYNC', b'CNXN', b'AUTH', b'OPEN', b'OKAY', b'CLSE', b'WRTE']`` """ ids = [b'SYNC', b'CNXN', b'AUTH', b'OPEN', b'OKAY', b'CLSE', b'WRTE'] commands, constants = MakeWireIDs(ids) # An ADB message is 6 words in little-endian. format = b'<6I' connections = 0 def __init__(self, command=None, arg0=None, arg1=None, data=b''): self.command = self.commands[command] self.magic = self.command ^ 0xFFFFFFFF self.arg0 = arg0 self.arg1 = arg1 = data @property def checksum(self): """TODO .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.checksum.CALL_GRAPH.svg .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.checksum.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Returns ------- TODO TODO """ return self.CalculateChecksum(
[docs] @staticmethod def CalculateChecksum(data): """TODO .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.CalculateChecksum.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Returns ------- TODO TODO """ # The checksum is just a sum of all the bytes. I swear. if isinstance(data, bytearray): total = sum(data) elif isinstance(data, bytes): if data and isinstance(data[0], bytes): # Python 2 bytes (str) index as single-character strings. total = sum(map(ord, data)) else: # Python 3 bytes index as numbers (and PY2 empty strings sum() to 0) total = sum(data) else: # Unicode strings (should never see?) total = sum(map(ord, data)) return total & 0xFFFFFFFF
[docs] def Pack(self): """Returns this message in an over-the-wire format. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.Pack.CALL_GRAPH.svg .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.Pack.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Returns ------- bytes TODO """ return struct.pack(self.format, self.command, self.arg0, self.arg1, len(, self.checksum, self.magic)
[docs] @classmethod def Unpack(cls, message): """TODO .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.Unpack.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- message : TODO TODO Returns ------- cmd : TODO TODO arg0 : TODO TODO arg1 : TODO TODO data_length : TODO TODO data_checksum : TODO TODO unused_magic : TODO TODO Raises ------ ValueError Unable to unpack the ADB command. """ try: cmd, arg0, arg1, data_length, data_checksum, unused_magic = struct.unpack(cls.format, message) except struct.error as e: raise ValueError('Unable to unpack ADB command.', cls.format, message, e) return cmd, arg0, arg1, data_length, data_checksum
[docs] def Send(self, usb, timeout_ms=None): """Send this message over USB. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.Send.CALL_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- usb : adb.common.TcpHandle, adb.common.UsbHandle TODO timeout_ms : int, None Timeout in milliseconds for USB packets. """ usb.BulkWrite(self.Pack(), timeout_ms) usb.BulkWrite(, timeout_ms)
[docs] @classmethod def Read(cls, usb, expected_cmds, timeout_ms=None, total_timeout_ms=None): """Receive a response from the device. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.Read.CALL_GRAPH.svg .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.Read.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- usb : adb.common.TcpHandle, adb.common.UsbHandle TODO expected_cmds : TODO Read until we receive a header ID that is in ``expected_cmds`` timeout_ms : int, None Timeout in milliseconds for USB packets. total_timeout_ms : int, None The total time to wait for a command in ``expected_cmds`` Returns ------- command : TODO TODO arg0 : TODO TODO arg1 : TODO TODO bytes TODO Raises ------ adb.adb_protocol.InvalidCommandError Unknown command *or* never got one of the expected responses. adb.adb_protocol.InvalidChecksumError Received checksum does not match the expected checksum. """ total_timeout_ms = usb.Timeout(total_timeout_ms) start = time.time() while True: msg = usb.BulkRead(24, timeout_ms) cmd, arg0, arg1, data_length, data_checksum = cls.Unpack(msg) command = cls.constants.get(cmd) if not command: raise InvalidCommandError('Unknown command: %x' % cmd, cmd, (arg0, arg1)) if command in expected_cmds: break if time.time() - start > total_timeout_ms: raise InvalidCommandError('Never got one of the expected responses (%s)' % expected_cmds, cmd, (timeout_ms, total_timeout_ms)) if data_length > 0: data = bytearray() while data_length > 0: temp = usb.BulkRead(data_length, timeout_ms) if len(temp) != data_length: print("Data_length {} does not match actual number of bytes read: {}".format(data_length, len(temp))) data += temp data_length -= len(temp) actual_checksum = cls.CalculateChecksum(data) if actual_checksum != data_checksum: raise InvalidChecksumError('Received checksum {0} != {1}'.format(actual_checksum, data_checksum)) else: data = b'' return command, arg0, arg1, bytes(data)
[docs] @classmethod def Connect(cls, usb, banner=b'notadb', rsa_keys=None, auth_timeout_ms=100): """Establish a new connection to the device. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.Connect.CALL_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- usb : adb.common.TcpHandle, adb.common.UsbHandle A :class:`adb.common.TcpHandle` or :class:`adb.common.UsbHandle` instance with ``BulkRead`` and ``BulkWrite`` methods. banner : str A string to send as a host identifier. rsa_keys : list[adb_protocol.AuthSigner] List of :class:`AuthSigner` subclass instances to be used for authentication. The device can either accept one of these via the ``Sign`` method, or we will send the result of ``GetPublicKey`` from the first one if the device doesn't accept any of them. auth_timeout_ms : int Timeout to wait for when sending a new public key. This is only relevant when we send a new public key. The device shows a dialog and this timeout is how long to wait for that dialog. If used in automation, this should be low to catch such a case as a failure quickly; while in interactive settings it should be high to allow users to accept the dialog. We default to automation here, so it's low by default. Returns ------- banner : TODO The device's reported banner. Always starts with the state (device, recovery, or sideload), sometimes includes information after a : with various product information. Raises ------ adb.usb_exceptions.DeviceAuthError When the device expects authentication, but we weren't given any valid keys. adb.adb_protocol.InvalidResponseError When the device does authentication in an unexpected way. usb_exceptions.ReadFailedError TODO """ # In py3, convert unicode to bytes. In py2, convert str to bytes. # It's later joined into a byte string, so in py2, this ends up kind of being a no-op. if isinstance(banner, str): banner = bytearray(banner, 'utf-8') msg = cls(command=b'CNXN', arg0=VERSION, arg1=MAX_ADB_DATA, data=b'host::%s\0' % banner) msg.Send(usb) cmd, arg0, arg1, banner = cls.Read(usb, [b'CNXN', b'AUTH']) if cmd == b'AUTH': if not rsa_keys: raise usb_exceptions.DeviceAuthError('Device authentication required, no keys available.') # Loop through our keys, signing the last 'banner' or token. for rsa_key in rsa_keys: if arg0 != AUTH_TOKEN: raise InvalidResponseError('Unknown AUTH response: %s %s %s' % (arg0, arg1, banner)) # Do not mangle the banner property here by converting it to a string signed_token = rsa_key.Sign(banner) msg = cls(command=b'AUTH', arg0=AUTH_SIGNATURE, arg1=0, data=signed_token) msg.Send(usb) cmd, arg0, unused_arg1, banner = cls.Read(usb, [b'CNXN', b'AUTH']) if cmd == b'CNXN': return banner # None of the keys worked, so send a public key. msg = cls(command=b'AUTH', arg0=AUTH_RSAPUBLICKEY, arg1=0, data=rsa_keys[0].GetPublicKey() + b'\0') msg.Send(usb) try: cmd, arg0, unused_arg1, banner = cls.Read(usb, [b'CNXN'], timeout_ms=auth_timeout_ms) except usb_exceptions.ReadFailedError as e: if e.usb_error.value == -7: # Timeout. raise usb_exceptions.DeviceAuthError('Accept auth key on device, then retry.') raise # This didn't time-out, so we got a CNXN response. return banner return banner
[docs] @classmethod def Open(cls, usb, destination, timeout_ms=None): """Opens a new connection to the device via an ``OPEN`` message. Not the same as the posix ``open`` or any other google3 Open methods. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.Open.CALL_GRAPH.svg .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.Open.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- usb : adb.common.TcpHandle, adb.common.UsbHandle A :class:`adb.common.TcpHandle` or :class:`adb.common.UsbHandle` instance with ``BulkRead`` and ``BulkWrite`` methods. destination : TODO The service:command string. timeout_ms : int, None Timeout in milliseconds for USB packets. Returns ------- _AdbConnection, None The local connection id. Raises ------ adb.adb_protocol.InvalidResponseError Wrong local_id sent to us. adb.adb_protocol.InvalidCommandError Didn't get a ready response. """ local_id = 1 msg = cls(command=b'OPEN', arg0=local_id, arg1=0, data=destination + b'\0') msg.Send(usb, timeout_ms) cmd, remote_id, their_local_id, _ = cls.Read(usb, [b'CLSE', b'OKAY'], timeout_ms=timeout_ms) if local_id != their_local_id: raise InvalidResponseError('Expected the local_id to be {}, got {}'.format(local_id, their_local_id)) if cmd == b'CLSE': # Some devices seem to be sending CLSE once more after a request, this *should* handle it cmd, remote_id, their_local_id, _ = cls.Read(usb, [b'CLSE', b'OKAY'], timeout_ms=timeout_ms) # Device doesn't support this service. if cmd == b'CLSE': return None if cmd != b'OKAY': raise InvalidCommandError('Expected a ready response, got {}'.format(cmd), cmd, (remote_id, their_local_id)) return _AdbConnection(usb, local_id, remote_id, timeout_ms)
[docs] @classmethod def Command(cls, usb, service, command='', timeout_ms=None): """One complete set of USB packets for a single command. Sends ``service:command`` in a new connection, reading the data for the response. All the data is held in memory, large responses will be slow and can fill up memory. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.Command.CALL_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- usb : adb.common.TcpHandle, adb.common.UsbHandle A :class:`adb.common.TcpHandle` or :class:`adb.common.UsbHandle` instance with ``BulkRead`` and ``BulkWrite`` methods. service : TODO The service on the device to talk to. command : str The command to send to the service. timeout_ms : int, None Timeout in milliseconds for USB packets. Returns ------- str The response from the service. Raises ------ adb.adb_protocol.InterleavedDataError Multiple streams running over usb. adb.adb_protocol.InvalidCommandError Got an unexpected response command. """ return ''.join(cls.StreamingCommand(usb, service, command, timeout_ms))
[docs] @classmethod def StreamingCommand(cls, usb, service, command='', timeout_ms=None): """One complete set of USB packets for a single command. Sends ``service:command`` in a new connection, reading the data for the response. All the data is held in memory, large responses will be slow and can fill up memory. .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.StreamingCommand.CALL_GRAPH.svg .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.StreamingCommand.CALLER_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- usb : adb.common.TcpHandle, adb.common.UsbHandle A :class:`adb.common.TcpHandle` or :class:`adb.common.UsbHandle` instance with ``BulkRead`` and ``BulkWrite`` methods. service : TODO The service on the device to talk to. command : str The command to send to the service. timeout_ms : int, None Timeout in milliseconds for USB packets. Yields ------ str The responses from the service. Raises ------ adb.adb_protocol.InterleavedDataError Multiple streams running over usb. adb.adb_protocol.InvalidCommandError Got an unexpected response command. """ if not isinstance(command, bytes): command = command.encode('utf8') connection = cls.Open(usb, destination=b'%s:%s' % (service, command), timeout_ms=timeout_ms) for data in connection.ReadUntilClose(): yield data.decode('utf8')
[docs] @classmethod def InteractiveShellCommand(cls, conn, cmd=None, strip_cmd=True, delim=None, strip_delim=True, clean_stdout=True): """Retrieves stdout of the current InteractiveShell and sends a shell command if provided TODO: Should we turn this into a yield based function so we can stream all output? .. image:: _static/adb.adb_protocol.AdbMessage.InteractiveShellCommand.CALL_GRAPH.svg Parameters ---------- conn : AdbConnection Instance of AdbConnection cmd : str, None Command to run on the target. strip_cmd : bool Strip command name from stdout. delim : TODO Delimiter to look for in the output to know when to stop expecting more output (usually the shell prompt) strip_delim : bool Strip the provided delimiter from the output clean_stdout : bool Cleanup the stdout stream of any backspaces and the characters that were deleted by the backspace Returns ------- stdout : TODO The stdout from the shell command. """ if delim is not None and not isinstance(delim, bytes): delim = delim.encode('utf-8') # Delimiter may be shell@hammerhead:/ $ # The user or directory could change, making the delimiter somthing like root@hammerhead:/data/local/tmp $ # Handle a partial delimiter to search on and clean up if delim: user_pos = delim.find(b'@') dir_pos = delim.rfind(b':/') if user_pos != -1 and dir_pos != -1: partial_delim = delim[user_pos:dir_pos + 1] # e.g. @hammerhead: else: partial_delim = delim else: partial_delim = None stdout = '' stdout_stream = BytesIO() original_cmd = '' try: if cmd: original_cmd = str(cmd) cmd += '\r' # Required. Send a carriage return right after the cmd cmd = cmd.encode('utf8') # Send the cmd raw conn.Write(cmd) if delim: # Expect multiple WRTE cmds until the delim (usually terminal prompt) is detected data = b'' while partial_delim not in data: cmd, data = conn.ReadUntil(b'WRTE') stdout_stream.write(data) else: # Otherwise, expect only a single WRTE cmd, data = conn.ReadUntil(b'WRTE') # WRTE cmd from device will follow with stdout data stdout_stream.write(data) else: # No cmd provided means we should just expect a single line from the terminal. Use this sparingly cmd, data = conn.ReadUntil(b'WRTE') if cmd == b'WRTE': # WRTE cmd from device will follow with stdout data stdout_stream.write(data) else: print("Unhandled cmd: {}".format(cmd)) cleaned_stdout_stream = BytesIO() if clean_stdout: stdout_bytes = stdout_stream.getvalue() bsruns = {} # Backspace runs tracking next_start_pos = 0 last_run_pos, last_run_len = find_backspace_runs(stdout_bytes, next_start_pos) if last_run_pos != -1 and last_run_len != 0: bsruns.update({last_run_pos: last_run_len}) cleaned_stdout_stream.write(stdout_bytes[next_start_pos:(last_run_pos - last_run_len)]) next_start_pos += last_run_pos + last_run_len while last_run_pos != -1: last_run_pos, last_run_len = find_backspace_runs(stdout_bytes[next_start_pos:], next_start_pos) if last_run_pos != -1: bsruns.update({last_run_pos: last_run_len}) cleaned_stdout_stream.write(stdout_bytes[next_start_pos:(last_run_pos - last_run_len)]) next_start_pos += last_run_pos + last_run_len cleaned_stdout_stream.write(stdout_bytes[next_start_pos:]) else: cleaned_stdout_stream.write(stdout_stream.getvalue()) stdout = cleaned_stdout_stream.getvalue() # Strip original cmd that will come back in stdout if original_cmd and strip_cmd: findstr = original_cmd.encode('utf-8') + b'\r\r\n' pos = stdout.find(findstr) while pos >= 0: stdout = stdout.replace(findstr, b'') pos = stdout.find(findstr) if b'\r\r\n' in stdout: stdout = stdout.split(b'\r\r\n')[1] # Strip delim if requested # TODO: Handling stripping partial delims here - not a deal breaker the way we're handling it now if delim and strip_delim: stdout = stdout.replace(delim, b'') stdout = stdout.rstrip() except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except print("InteractiveShell exception (most likely timeout): {}".format(e)) return stdout